Family portraits 84 items

Sarah Owen Anderson and Ned Anderson, making hooked rug
Album 22 (039)
Family in cabin door
Georgia and Laura Trentham, weavers, warping
Album 24 (057)
Woman and two boys on porch
Album 24 (052)
Album 22 (038)
Anner and Ainer Owenby: two women in bonnets working with kettle
Frank Leonard McVey with granddaughter
Hipps family farm, Top of Turkey
Ms. Ray Burnett with mother and daughter, quilting
Dysort sisters, Flora and Lena, basket makers
Woman with two clinging children
Hipps family farm, Top of Turkey
Ritchie girls with marionettes
Mary and Annabelle Willmott, quilters
Woman with children
Ms. Ray Burnett with mother and daughter, quilting
Emma Regan and child
Georgia and Laura Trentham, weavers, warping
Hipps family farm, Top of Turkey
Hipps Children, Top of Turkey
Ritchie girls with marionettes
Frank Henderson and wife
James Owenby with child
Anner and Ainer Owenby: two women in bonnets working with kettle
Anner and Ainer Owenby
Ritchie boys, chair makers, at work
Marie Wilmott (l.) Annabelle Wilmott (r.) Rent 3 Berea, Ky.
Ms. Stewart, singer, and family
Mr. & Mrs. [Ralph] Jones, Bakery, Berea
Georgia and Laura Trentham, weavers, warping
Emma Regan and child
Hipps Children, Top of Turkey
Frank Leonard McVey with granddaughter and John Jacob Niles
Album 24 (058)
Anner and Ainer Owenby
Anner and Ainer Owenby
James Owenby with child
Ritchie boys, chair makers, at work
Sarah Owen Anderson and Ned Anderson, making hooked rug
Ritchie boys, chair makers, at work
Ritchie girls with marionettes
Sarah Owen Anderson and Ned Anderson, making hooked rug [b006] [f001] [001a] (recto)
Carol and Clotilde Deschamps
Hipps Children, Top of Turkey [b006] [f003] [001a] (recto)
Mary Home, composer, at the keyboard and her son, Caldren, playing recorder
Woman and child in front of block quilt
Family in cabin door