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David Call, a noted Deaf artist and activist who works primarily in linocut and graphite, received the BA degree in education and history from Gallaudet University and the MA degree in special education from California State University, Northridge. Call has taught for many years at California School for the Deaf in Fremont, and is recognized as one of the leading Deaf Visual Image Arts practitioners in the United States.
The exhibit features the visual perspectives of David Call, an artist who has deep roots in the De’VIA art movement. De’VIA, which stands for “Deaf View Image Art,” is an art form that represents Deaf artists and perspectives based on their personal experiences.
The title of the exhibition is based on the idea that art educates and informs through visual images a long history of repression that the American Deaf Community has endured. Call’s work provides visual clarity and insight on topics that are often overlooked by the general hearing population, and even within the American Deaf Community itself. His artwork increases awareness about social, political and cultural issues in the Community using historical events and people important to telling that story. His work is both historical and visual, touching on some of the most important events and experiences of Deaf people.