1. Mill of John Alexander Meadows Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeDomestic architectureMills and mill-workAppalachian RegionJohn Alexander Meadows
2. Mill of John Alexander Meadows Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeDomestic architectureMills and mill-workAppalachian RegionJohn Alexander Meadows
Counter Dr. Hutchins' Home, Berea Label Domestic architectureDwellingsTapestriesFurnitureAppalachian RegionWilliam J. HutchinsTextiles
Counter House, courtyard wall with urns Label Rural lifeDomestic architectureDwellingsAppalachian Region
6. Girl, on a porch [b008] [f005] [004a] (recto) Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeRural childrenDomestic architectureDwellingsAppalachians (People)
7. Girl, on a porch Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeRural childrenDomestic architectureAppalachians (People)Dwellings
8. Mill of John Alexander Meadows Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeDomestic architectureMills and mill-workAppalachian RegionJohn Alexander Meadows
9. Mill of John Alexander Meadows Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeDomestic architectureMills and mill-workAppalachian RegionJohn Alexander Meadows
10. Home of Ms. Ernberg Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeDomestic architectureDwellingsAppalachian RegionMs. Ernberg
11. Home of Isaac Davis, broom maker Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeDomestic architectureDwellingsAppalachian RegionIsaac Davis
12. House, courtyard wall with urns Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeDomestic architectureDwellingsAppalachian Region
13. Girl, on a porch Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeRural childrenDomestic architectureDwellingsAppalachians (People)
14. Mill of John Alexander Meadows Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeDomestic architectureMills and mill-workAppalachians (People)John Alexander Meadows
15. House, courtyard wall with urns Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeDomestic architectureDwellingsAppalachian Region
16. Mill of John Alexander Meadows Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeDomestic architectureMills and mill-workAppalachian RegionJohn Alexander Meadows
17. House, courtyard wall with urns Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeDomestic architectureDwellingsAppalachian Region
18. Nick Barton in front of his cabin Exhibit Tags: PortraitsGroup portraitsRural lifeVeteransUnited States--History--Civil WarDomestic architectureDwellingsAppalachians (People)Nick Barton
20. Home of Isaac Davis, broom maker Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeDomestic architectureDwellingsAppalachian RegionIsaac Davis