The publication of a book is a major achievement for authors and universities, representing significant investments of research, creativity, time, and resources. UO Authors, Book Talks is a pilot series that will celebrate books published by UO faculty authors. The two-part series will occur during the 2019-2020 academic year, with one event featuring one author in fall and winter.

Join us in the Knight Library Browsing Room on November 6, 2019 at 5:00pm for a 30-minute presentation by author Kristin Yarris (Associate Professor, International Studies) about her book, Care Across Generations: Solidarity and Sacrifice in Transnational Families, followed by Q&A, a book signing, and light refreshments.

Join us in the Knight Library Browsing Room on February 12, 2020 at 5:30pm for a 30-minute presentation by author Kirby Brown (Associate Professor, Department of English) about his book, Stoking the Fire: Nationhood in Century Cherokee Writing, 1907-1970, followed by Q&A, a book signing, and light refreshments.