1541. John J. Abel [002a] (recto) Exhibit Tags: PortraitsBiochemistsPharmacologistsCollege teachersMedical scientistsJohns Hopkins UniversityJohn J. AbelEducationScience and Medicine
1543. Candy Kitchen, Berea College: young woman measuring ingredients Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeRural womenWomen college studentsAppalachians (People)Berea CollegeCollege studentsEducation
1544. Potter, J.E. Welsh, Bybee, Ky. Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeartisansAppalachians (People)J. E. Welsh
1545. Berea Library Exhibit Tags: PortraitsGroup portraitsRural lifeWomen college studentsCollege studentsLibrariesAppalachians (People)Berea CollegeEducation
1549. Candy Kitchen, Berea College: young woman making molded candy Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeRural womenWomen college studentsConfectioneryAppalachians (People)Berea CollegeCollege studentsEducation
1550. Annabelle Wilmott, Berea, Quilter Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeartisansQuiltmakersRural womenAppalachians (People)Annabelle WillmottTextiles
1551. Two women cooking Exhibit Tags: PortraitsGroup portraitsRural lifeRural womenDomestic lifeCookingAppalachians (People)
1552. Anner and Ainer Owenby Exhibit Tags: PortraitsFamily portraitsRural lifeRural womenAppalachians (People)Owenby family
1555. Album 22 (033) Exhibit Tags: Album 22PortraitsartisansMusical instrument makersAppalachians (People)Rural lifeJethro Ambergy
1557. Frank Long, painter, muralist, Berea College, with palette Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeartisansPainters (artists)Appalachians (People)Frank W. LongBerea CollegeEducationArtists
1558. Donald Luther Flynn: boy with crossbow Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeRural childrenAppalachians (People)Donald Luther Flynn
1559. Isaac Davis, broom maker Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeartisansBroommakersAppalachians (People)Isaac Davis
1560. Woman, wearing bonnet and glasses Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeRural womenAppalachians (People)