1. Album 17 (005) Exhibit Tags: Album 17Rural lifeAppalachian RegionDomestic architectureDwellingsCreech Family
2. Album 18 (045) Exhibit Tags: Album 18artisansRural lifeAppalachian RegionBlacksmithsForge bellowsSmith Vaughn
3. Mill of John Alexander Meadows Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeDomestic architectureMills and mill-workAppalachian RegionJohn Alexander Meadows
4. Mill of John Alexander Meadows Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeDomestic architectureMills and mill-workAppalachian RegionJohn Alexander Meadows
9. Album 17 (004) Exhibit Tags: Album 17Rural lifeAppalachian RegionDomestic architectureDwellingsCreech Family
11. Pinhole, Hutchins Home, Berea Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeDwellingsUniversities and colleges--AdministrationAppalachian RegionWilliam J. HutchinsBerea CollegeEducation
12. Dr. Hutchins' Home, Berea Exhibit Tags: Domestic architectureDwellingsTapestriesFurnitureAppalachian RegionWilliam J. HutchinsTextiles
13. Milking machine, Creamery, Berea College Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeCreameriesAppalachian RegionBerea CollegeDairy cattleAgricultureEducation
15. [Candy from the Candy Kitchen, Berea College] Exhibit Tags: ConfectioneryBerea CollegeAppalachian RegionEducation
16. [Candy from the Candy Kitchen, Berea College] Exhibit Tags: ConfectioneryBerea CollegeAppalachian RegionEducation
18. Great Bittern [living bird], Berea College Exhibit Tags: BirdsAppalachian RegionBerea CollegeEducation