
American Woman Suffrage Association Poster
Poster advertising Duniway as a featured speaker at a meeting of the American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA), on a bill with other nationally prominent leaders. The AWSA was formed in 1869, and continued to campaign until 1890, when it merged with the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA). During the time there were two rival organizations, Duniway was affiliated with the NWSA, headed by Susan B. Anthony.

From the West to the West (cover, 1905)
Duniway's last novel (1905), which she published in response to requests that she republish her earlier novel, Captain Gray's Company. Saying that "Such articles are valuable as relics, but they would not sell in paying quantities in this utilitarian age if duplicated and placed on the market," she produced From the West to the West instead. It is her fictionalized rendition of the Scott party's journey west.

From the West to the West (title page, 1905)
Duniway's last novel (1905), which she published in response to requests that she republish her earlier novel, Captain Gray's Company. Saying that "Such articles are valuable as relics, but they would not sell in paying quantities in this utilitarian age if duplicated and placed on the market," she produced From the West to the West instead. It is her fictionalized rendition of the Scott party's journey west.

"True Temperance" Leaflet
Leaflet circulated by Duniway in 1914 in an attempt to convince voters to vote "No" on prohibition. Her efforts were not successful, and prohibition became law in Oregon that year. Duniway believed that "True Temperance" (self-restraint) was needed rather than an anti-alcohol legislation, which must ultimately fail.