Leadership and Legacy
Defined by Tradition - Challenged through Transitions - Remembered by Milestones
Athletics and the University of Oregon presents the history of sports at the University of Oregon spans more than a century of events influenced by leading coaches and defined by student-athletes.

A Bibliographic History of Biology
Great is the power of steady misrepresentation; but the history of science shows that fortunately this power does not long endure. ~ Charles Darwin
Explore the history of biology ranging from ancient Greek and Roman times to Medieval and Renaissance eras, to the development of the microscope and the discovery of the circulation of blood, culminating in discussion of the classification of organisms and taxonomic principles.

Architecture of the University of Oregon
A History, Bibliography and Research Guide
This resource provides documentation about the built environment of the University of Oregon and identifies basic resources for researching the architectural heritage of Oregon's flagship university. The guide was created in 2005 and has been partially updated through 2019. The digital collection Building Oregon: Architecture of Oregon & the Pacific Northwest complements this guide with hundreds of images and documentation of campus buildings spanning several decades of UO's history. An in-depth guide to the historic Knight Library, described as a Depression Era masterpiece, is also available online.

Languages of the East
The Non-Western Manuscript Book Collection of UO Libraries Special Collections & University Archives
Explore the University of Oregon’s non-Western collection of medieval to modern manuscripts. This exhibition features manuscripts in Arabic, Persian, Cuneiform, Chinese, Burmese, Russian, and Ethiopian.

Deaf Resistance and Affirmation Art
The Linocut Prints of Artist David Call
Call, a noted Deaf artist and activist who works primarily in linocut and graphite, received his BA in education and history from Gallaudet University and his MA in special education from California State University, Northridge. Call has taught for many years at California School for the Deaf in Fremont, and is recognized as one of the leading Deaf Visual Image Arts practitioners in the US.

Doris Ulmann Photograph Collection
Doris Ulmann (1882-1934), was a native of New York City, the daughter of Bernhard and Gertrude (Mass) Ulmann. Educated in public school-at the School of Ethical Culture, a socially liberal organization that championed individual worth regardless of ethnic background or economic condition-and Columbia University, she intended to become a teacher of psychology. Her interest in photography was at first a hobby, but after 1918 she devoted herself to the art professionally. She was a member of the Pictorial Photographers of America. Ulmann documented the rural people of the South, particularly the mountain peoples of Appalachia and the Gullahs of the Sea Islands, with a profound respect for her sitters and an ethnographer's eye for culture.

Guild of Women Binders: A Social Movement in Printing History
Explore the transcendent bookbinding craft and stories of women of the Guild of Women Binders, an organization founded in the principles of the Arts and Crafts Movement, active at the turn of the 20th century.

Remarkable Works by Women Authors
Explore milestone works of writing by women who have shaped history through their roles as activists, educators, literary artists, and intellectuals from the 17th century to the 20th century.

Oregon Women Vote! Commemorating Woman Suffrage in Oregon and the U.S.
Explore the history of woman suffrage in Oregon and the United States as we honor the centennial of the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution into law in 1920.

Tomorrow’s Scientists
Children’s Literature of the Cold War Era
A joint exhibition exploring politics, space, and technology in children’s literature of the mid-20th century.

Word Made Print: Reformation and the History of the Book
Explore the Reformation and the history of the book through this curated selection of works from the University of Oregon’s Special Collections and University Archives and Northwest Christian College’s Edward P. Kellenberger Library.

UO Authors, Book Talks
The publication of a book is a major achievement for authors and universities, representing significant investments of research, creativity, time, and resources. UO Authors, Book Talks is a pilot series that will celebrate books published by UO faculty authors.

20th Century Children's Literature
Exploring the Past, Understanding the Present
An exhibition exploring complex issues of representation in 20th century children's literature.

Feminist Voices & Visions from the Pacific Northwest
This exhibit highlights two collections from our Women in Society group: the papers of Oregon activist and author Abigail Scott Duniway, and records of Calyx Press, the first West Coast literary journal with women editors publishing women's works. In its 22 years of existence, assisted by many knowledgeable and committed volunteers, it has provided an opportunity for almost 2,000 women's voices to bloom in its poetry, prose, art, and book reviews.

Boss of the Waterfront: Wayne Morse and Labor Arbitration
Although best known for his vigorous defense of unpopular positions-his stance against the Vietnam War, for example-perhaps Wayne Morse's most important contribution was his ardent and meticulous work in the arena of labor relations. His expertise and his great facility for bridging and resolving issues between labor and management made him an influential and successful arbitrator.

Talk of the Town: Jane Grant and the New Yorker Magazine
Jane Grant played a critical role in development of the New Yorker magazine, but this is only one of her contributions to American culture. Grant's papers reveal she lived her life as a dedicated feminist and individual.

The Hidden Faces of Oregon's Workers, circa 1900-1940
In the early years workers in Oregon, and throughout the United States, were men and women from many racial and ethnic groups. Work-force diversity in the state of Oregon is a historical fact that must be acknowledged, embraced, and integrated as a fundamental tenet of our thinking. The exhibit shows some of these lives, stories, and accomplishments, achievements of daily life and extraordinary feats.

Under Western Skies: Ernest Haycox and the West in Fiction and Film
This exhibit celebrates the life and writings of Oregon author Ernest Haycox, consummate writer of Western fiction. "Haycox," said writer D.B. Newton, "very nearly succeeded, single-handed, in doing for the standard Western what Hammett and Chandler did for the private eye detective story--made it respectable."

No Intent to Deceive: James Tiptree, Jr.
Creating a Science Fiction Writer's Identity as James Tiptree, Jr.
Digital Exhibit featuring the author's correspondence, photographs, manuscripts, and memorabilia.

Twentieth-Century American Children's Literature
We hold some 175 collections devoted to American children's literature, among the best institutional collections in the nation. The collections range from large archival holdings documenting the activities of an individual publisher to editorial files and personal libraries and on to original drawings and manuscripts by writers and artists such as Louis Slobodkin, Elizabeth Orton Jones, Maud and Miska Petersham and Hardie Gramatky.

The Artistic Genius of Will H. Bradley
Explore the Art Nouveau artistic flair of binder, typographer, and artist Will H. Bradley, beautifully executed in his timeless chap book design and other publications.