1724. Album 18 (012) Exhibit Tags: Album 18PortraitsRural lifeartisansWeaversSpinnersRural womenDelia JusticeAppalachians (People)Domestic architecture
1725. Album 23 (028) Exhibit Tags: Album 23PortraitsGroup portraitsRural lifeRural childrenAppalachians (People)buildings
1726. Marie Wilmott, Rent 3 Berea, Ky. Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeartisansWeaversSpinnersQuiltmakersRural womenAppalachians (People)Willmott familyMarie WillmottTextiles
1727. Students, Berea College: two young women in uniform Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeRural womenWomen college studentsAppalachians (People)Berea CollegeCollege studentsEducation
1728. Webb Connerlson, potter, at work Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeartisansCeramicistsAppalachians (People)Webb Connerlson
1729. Home of Isaac Davis, broom maker Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeDomestic architectureDwellingsAppalachian RegionIsaac Davis
1732. Anner and Ainer Owenby: two women in bonnets working with kettle Exhibit Tags: PortraitsFamily portraitsRural lifeRural womenAppalachians (People)Owenby familyAnner OwenbyAiner Owenby
1733. Hipps Children, Top of Turkey Exhibit Tags: PortraitsFamily portraitsRural lifeRural childrenAppalachians (People)Hipps family
1734. Mrs. Helen Dingman, Berea Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeartisansRural womenAppalachians (People)Helen DingmanBerea CollegeEducation
1737. Unidentified sitters [b009] [f000] [007] (recto) Exhibit Tags: PortraitsGroup portraitsRural life
1739. Amburgey and John Jacob Niles with Appalachian dulcimers Exhibit Tags: PortraitsGroup portraitsartisansMusical instrument makersDulcimersAppalachians (People)Rural lifeJethro AmbergyJohn Jacob Niles
1740. Ethel May Stiles, Ringgold Georgia [hands at work] Exhibit Tags: Rural lifeartisansQuiltmakersRural womenAppalachians (People)Stiles familyEthel May StilesTextiles