1. Khalil Gibran [001a] (recto) Exhibit Tags: PortraitsPoetsArtistsAuthorsartisansKahlil GibranWriters
2. Bert Mullens, Berea College, with carving Exhibit Tags: PortraitsartisansPainters (artists)Appalachians (People)Bert MullensBerea CollegeEducationArtists
3. Bert Mullens, Berea College, painting Exhibit Tags: PortraitsartisansPainters (artists)Appalachians (People)Bert MullensBerea CollegeArtists
4. Khalil Gibran [002a] (recto) Exhibit Tags: PortraitsPoetsArtistsartisansAuthorsKahlil GibranWriters
6. Bessi Ledford, Mountain Unioner Boys Exhibit Tags: PortraitsartisansPainters (artists)Rural lifeRural womenBesa LedfordArtists
7. Bert Mullens, Berea College, with drawing Exhibit Tags: PortraitsartisansPainters (artists)Appalachians (People)Bert MullensBerea CollegeEducationArtists
8. Album 16 (053) Exhibit Tags: Album 16PortraitsGroup portraitsRural lifeRural womenAppalachians (People)ArtistsMusiciansJohn Jacob NilesDomestic architectureDwellingsSpinnersClementine DouglassAppalachian Region
9. Album 16 (052) Exhibit Tags: Album 16PortraitsGroup portraitsRural lifeRural womenRural childrenAppalachians (People)ArtistsMusiciansJohn Jacob Niles
10. Bert Mullens, Berea College, with carving Exhibit Tags: PortraitsartisansPainters (artists)Appalachians (People)Bert MullensBerea CollegeEducationArtists
11. Bert Mullens, Berea College, painting Exhibit Tags: PortraitsartisansPainters (artists)Appalachians (People)Bert MullensBerea CollegeEducationArtists
12. Oliver Herford (recto) Exhibit Tags: PortraitsAuthorsArtistsartisansIllustratorsOliver HerfordWriters
14. Bert Mullens, Berea College, with carving Exhibit Tags: PortraitsartisansPainters (artists)Appalachians (People)Bert MullensBerea CollegeEducationArtists
15. Ms. Crumlege: young woman in elegant gown, painting model of Roman centurion helmet Exhibit Tags: PortraitsartisansPainters (artists)Ms. CrumlegeArtists
18. Frank Long, painter, muralist, Berea College, with palette Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeartisansPainters (artists)Appalachians (People)Frank W. LongArtists
19. Frank Long, painter, muralist, Berea College, with palette Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeartisansPainters (artists)Appalachians (People)Frank W. LongArtists
20. Frank Long, painter, muralist, Berea College, with palette Exhibit Tags: PortraitsRural lifeartisansPainters (artists)Appalachians (People)Frank W. LongBerea CollegeEducationArtists