Memories, 1875-1895

Bibliographic Information

Title: Memories, 1875-1895, Happenings here and there along the trail, or “The world went very well then.” A Victorian tale gleaned from memories and told for the edification of fellow typophiles.

Author: Bradley, Will

Publication: Memories, 1875-1895 was published by Castle Press of Pasadena in 1949. The colophon reads, “Printed by Grant Dahlstrom The Castle Press, Pasadena, California for fellow Typophiles, Friends of the Press and the Author…. 300 Copies Printed on Maidstone and Fabriano Cover courtesy of Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation…. March 1949.” Of copies printed, Bradley personally signed many.

Design: Bradley is responsible for the design of the binding, though unsigned, and also designed the typography used throughout the book.

Note: A supplement for the years 1900-1930 was later added.

From Will H. Bradley: His Work, A Bibliographical Guide, compiled by Anthony Bambace