Da Fang Guang Fo Hua Yan Jing (Dafang Guango Huayan Sutra)


China, date unknown. BW1623.C5 S55

Siksanada was an Indian monk from Khotan in Western China who served as a translator of Buddhist texts into Chinese. The school of Huayan (alt. Hua-yen) is one of the major schools of Chinese Buddhism and is considered the highest expression of Chinese Buddhist thought. It has two major aspects of its teachings: “doctrinal classification and the theory of unobstructed interpenetration of all phenomena” (Keown, A Dictionary of Buddhism). Siksananda’s translation of this sutra was produced 704 and reproduced 80 times. The sutra was said to have been preached by the bodhisattva Shakyamuni directly after his attainment of enlightenment.


Keown, Damien. “Hua-yen” in A Dictionary of Buddhism. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004). http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780198605607.001.0001/acref-9780198605607-e-773

Siksananda, Da Fang Guang Fo Hua Yan Jing (Dafang Guango Huayan Sutra) China. University of Oregon, Special Collections & University Archives, BW1623.C5 S55. https://alliance-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/f/3uoa1r/CP71111006600001451