Amazon Family Housing

Amazon Family Housing, University of Oregon (Eugene, Oregon)
Amazon Family Housing, University of Oregon (Eugene, Oregon)

Location: 2154-2278 Patterson St., Eugene, Oregon

Date: 1947

Architect: Pietro Belluschi


Columbia (Columbia St.) and Amazon (22nd and Patterson) housing projects were created for the large population of post-World War II married students in 1947. Many of these units were shipped and reconstructed from Portland area WWII shipyard worker housing. Amazon Housing was demolished in 1995 after failed attempts to save the complex and list it as a National Register Historic Site.


"UO to rebuild Amazon housing, Register Guard, 1992/02/01, 1A, 4A

"History may be Amazon complex's savior, Register Guard, 1993/11/05, 1B, 2B

"Step back on Amazon [Ed]," Register Guard, 1993/11/10, 12A

"Students seek historic status for apartments," Register Guard, 1993/11/03, 1D, 5D

"Complex gets historic link," Register Guard, 1994/01/28, 1B, 2B

"Tenants: Cost not a factor," Register Guard, 1994/01/07, 1C, 2C

"UO student apartments historic site [Il]," Register Guard, 1994/02/04, 1A, 7A

"Amazon's problems extensive," Register Guard, 1994/02/17, 1C, 2C

"Uncertainties abound at Amazon complex," Register Guard, 1994/03/22, 2C

"Preserving The Past: The Fight to Save Amazon: A graduate student uses the skills she's learned at UO to force the university to preserve a housing complex [Il]," Register Guard, 1994/05/29, 1A, 4A

"UO's Amazon Housing goes on sale," Register Guard, 1994/07/26, 1C, 5C

"Amazon purchase unlikely [Il]," Register Guard, 1994/08/27, 1C, 4C

"Amazon fits criteria for federal listing: Demolition: The threatened complex qualifies for the National Register of Historic Places," Register Guard, 1994/10/18, 1B, 5B

"City Region Digest: UO to delay razing of Amazon complex," Register Guard, 1994/10/29, 3B

"UO rejects bid for Amazon complex: The sole offer for the historic apartments didn't meet the university's two requirements," Register Guard, 1994/12/14, 1C

"St. Vincent eyes Amazon buildings," Register Guard, 1994/12/26, 1C, 4C

"Amazon offer gains supporter: Housing: The UO says it will save 4 buildings for another site; an adversary now accepts razing the complex," Register Guard, 1995/02/14 , 1C, 4C

"Low-cost housing plan detailed: Amazon: A charity wants to cut four buildings in half, then move them to a new site as part of a 30-unit complex: New home for Amazon? [Map]," Register Guard, 1995/02/15, 1D, 3D

"Judge denies request of Amazon coalition: Housing: The university gets closer to bulldozing buildings starting May 15," Register Guard, 1995/03/23, 1A, 4A

"Board delays decision over razing Amazon," Register Guard, 1995/01/20, 1B, 3B

"End begins for Amazon housing units: Demolition: Two buildings are torn down to make way for construction equipment [Il]," Register Guard, 1995/03/24, 1A, 4A

"Ruling fuels Amazon skirmish: Housing: The land use board has asked the city to file a report before demolition of the buildings can proceed," Register Guard, 1995/05/06 , 1B, 4B

"Four units moved from Amazon site: Relocation: St. Vincent de Paul will use the former student residences for low-cost housing [Il]," Register Guard, 1995/05/07 , 1C, 2C

"26 structures may lose place on historic list," Register Guard, 1995/08/25 , 2C

"An Ex-Barracks Is 'Home'. Old Oregon 32 no.4 (Apr. 1951): 4, 28. ill.

"City Region Digest: Amazon housing added to register," Register Guard, 1996/03/16 , 3B