Global Scholars Hall
Location: 1710 E. 15th Ave., Eugene, Oregon
Date: 2012
Architect: ZGF Architects. Contributors: Construction Manager/General Contractor: Hoffman Construction Company. Project Planner: Cathy Soutar. Construction Project Manager: George Bleekman, Facilities Services.
Alternative title: East Campus Residence Hall
The Global Scholars Hall, completed in 2012, is a 451-bed multi-level student residence hall with a variety of different living spaces, common areas and shared spaces, dining facilities, and academic program space, including a resident scholar apartment and Learning Commons with a librarian. The building, originally named East Campus Residence Hall in concept phases, is 185,000 GSF.
"Global Scholars Hall," [Projects Completed]. University of Oregon Campus Planning, Real Estate, and Construction.
East Campus Residence Hall Final Schematic Design Report. ZGF, 2010. 132 p.